Kidz Lowercase Legends

Lowercase Legends

April School Holidays 2024

7 - 11 year olds

Targeted Handwriting tuition to improve your child's skills and confidence


Does your child have difficulties writing neatly on the guideline? Do they get cramp when writing? Or maybe they have difficulty forming letters in the correct direction?

 Many children struggle to write efficiently and neatly.  The good news is that we can help! Targeted handwriting tuition and practice makes a huge difference to your child's confidence and abilities.

Our handwriting group, Lowercase Legends runs for 4 sessions in the first week of school holidays. We keep the group size small so your tamariki can receive one on one help for their specific needs. Each day, the group will learn how to improve their writing in a functional but fun way. 

Helen Coll (Occupational Therapist) and her assistant will provide explicit instruction, games and creative activities to visibly improve your child’s handwriting skills.

Note: A screening form will be sent for completion so Helen can tailor the group activities to your child specific needs.

What happens at Lowercase Legends?

What activities will your child do?

  • ​Each session your child is taken through a series of exercises to teach them how to easily form letters.
  • Games and activities designed to improve physical and mental skills that contribute to effective and efficient handwriting.

What will your child gain by the end of the course?

  • ​An understanding of what is good about their handwriting and what needs improvement.
  • The important role motor skills and posture play in improving handwriting skills.
  • Practical tips you can use at home to improve hand strength, visual motor skills and other skills vital to handwriting.
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem.
  • An 80+ page take home book to help you integrate their new skills into their everyday life.

Course Details

Start date: Monday 30th September -  (daily for 4 days).

Times: 9.30am to 11am

Who: 7 to 11 year olds

Location: Seminar Room, Kidz Therapy Centre, 642 New North Road, Morningside, 1022

Fee: $345 (incl GST). This includes all course resources


To book your child’s place, click button above. On the webpage, click book now then choose the book a class option.

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