Neurodevelopmental assessment

ADHD Assessments

Coming soon!

Clinical Psychologist, Zee Ally is available soon to book neurodevelopmental assessments.

What is a Neurodevelopmental Assessment?

A neurodevelopmental assessment provides a clinical diagnosis of complex challenges such as:

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): 
  • Global Development Delay (GDD) / Intellectual, cognitive disorders (ID): 
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): 
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): 

Zee Ally Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychologist

Do I need a referral to book an assessment?


Referrals may be as follows:

  • Referrals through our Kidz Therapy Educational Psychology reports
  • Referral letter from a therapist
  • Referral letter from a GP

Copies of these are required before an appointment can be booked.

All our assessments are done by Clnical Psychologist, Zee Ally at our Ellerslie location.

What does an Neurodevelopmental Assessment involve?

Step 1:  Initial Information Gathering

This includes:

  • Consent form to be completed by parents
  • Information form to be completed by school
  • School reports, medical reports and any recent Educational/ Cognitive Psychology Assessment reports

Step 2: Comprehensive Parent Interview  - 2 hours (parents only)

Step 3: Observation of Child and WISC-V Assessment (if required) - 1/2 - 1 hour

Step 4: Further Assessment (depending on results from above)

  • ABAS adaptive assessment completed online by both teacher and parent.
  • Conners 4 ADHD Rating Scale completed online by both parent and teacher.
  • etc

Step 5: Diagnostic Report

A comprehensive 5-6 page report analysing all the results with a formal diagnosis is written and emailed to parents.

Step 6: Feedback session - 50 minutes (parents only)

Time to discuss the findings and next steps

What are common Neurodevelopmental disorders?

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): 

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a childhood onset that involves psychological and behavioural features. A comprehensive diagnosis of ADHD involves comprehensive assessment of developmental, history, educational history and family history. This includes a comprehensive interview with parents (2 hours) and gathering information from school. Testing usually includes the WISC-V (1 hour) and Conners 4 Rating Scale (completed online by both parent and teacher). If diagnosed, a medication consultation will be recommended with a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist, along with ADHD coaching for symptoms and behavioural management. 

Global Development Delay (GDD) / Intellectual, cognitive disorders (ID):

Early development of motor and language skills is a useful indicator of a child's development, cognitive ability and academic success. Identification of children at risk of developmental delays or intellectual disability is crucial for intervention and support. Assessment involves gathering of information from school, comprehensive developmental parent/caregiver interview, (2 hours), cognitive testing (1 hour), adaptive assessment (online completion), and feedback interview (1 hour). A diagnostic report is provided to ensure appropriate funding and support for the child. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): 

ASD is characterised by a wide range of challenges in social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech, and non-verbal communication. Sensory issues and sensitivities (sights, sounds, tastes, and touch) are also common. Testing includes comprehensive autism screening and diagnostic evaluation, involving a comprehensive developmental parent/caregiver interview (2 hours), and clinical child observation (1 hour at home or their early childhood centre/school), and feedback appointment (1 hour). A diagnostic report is provided to ensure the child receives appropriate funding and support. 

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): 

FASD encompasses a range of physical, cognitive, behavioural, and neurodevelopmental disabilities that can result from prenatal alcohol exposure. Diagnosis is provided by a multidisciplinary diagnostic team (MDT). Neuropsychological assessment across different brain domains is conducted such as thinking, learning, language, memory, planning, problem solving, impulse control, hyperactivity, concentration, and motor skills. Testing is usually conducted over two assessments (at clinic, school or home), once diagnosis is made and a diagnostic report generated, treatment and support recommendation will be made to manage this disability. 

What happens after the assessment?

After the full assessment has been completed , you may choose your next steps.  You will be given guidance about this at your Feedback Session


Only a Developmental Paediatrician or Child Psychiatrist, can prescribe medication to manage neurodiverse conditions. It is also important to attend follow ups with a medical professional to assess side effects, dosage and impact on learning/behaviour.

It is out of scope for Clinical Psychologists to prescribe medicine, so please be aware that you will need to consult a a paediatrician or psychiatrist for this next step.

Therapeutic and Behavioural interventions:

Kidz Therapy have a number of therapists who can help you and your child with non-medical interventions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where does the assessment take place?

    Appointments with Clinical Psychologist, Zee Ally, are at our Ellerslie location:

    Therapy Space - Level 1

    411 Great South Road



    Find our Ellerslie location
  • How do I make an appointment?

    Please complete our Contact Us form and select ADHD assessment from the dropdown menu.

    Contact Us
  • What is the cost and how do I pay?

    The cost is outlined in our fees section of the website.  An Invoice will be sent for you to pay online.

    Our fees
  • How soon can I get an appointment?

    We are currently taking enquiries and forming a waitlist for when assessments start.  We expect there to be a 1 to 2-month waitlist.

Get in touch with us, we’re here to help

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