Waitlist for Zee Ally Neurodiversity Assessment

Join our Waitlist for Neurodevelopmental Assessment with Zee Ally

Waitlist Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the waitlist for a neurodevelopment assessment with Zee Ally

We understand the frustration for parents trying to get a diagnosis for their child so they can help them to achieve their potential.  Unfortunately we are limited in the number of appointments we can offer.  Due to the limited availability, high demand and amount of preparatory work required, a deposit is requested upon acceptance of the appointment.  It is also important to note that:

  • If your concern is ADHD / ADD - a teacher or someone who knows your child well outside the family context needs to complete a series of forms.  Without this the assessment cannot proceed.
  • Zee Ally cannot prescribe medication - you will need to consult a psychiatrist or paediatrician for this.
  • A referral letter is required from your GP or psychologist

Our phone is attended 9.00am to 4.00pm weekdays. Please leave a clear, detailed message if your call goes to voicemail. You will be called back as soon as possible.


642 New North Road, Morningside

Auckland, 1022 

P.O. Box 77-064, Mt Albert

Auckland, 1025

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